Why I Bought Jason’s Future

If your bio includes “I sold my last name (twice) and wrote the first-ever fully sponsored book.” You instantly become highly intriguing to me. Meet Jason Zook, the person who I truly believe is one of the most creative humans. Period. I am not writing an article about Jason, if you want to learn all about him just click his name above. I am writing an article about one of his latest projects that I invested in last year, and got the largest ROI out of anything else I bought in 2015.

August 2015 I start to see Medium posts appear from Jason on his latest project, in the weeks following I patiently wait to see what it is. Then Buy My Future launches and my legitimate first thought was: “this is incredible”. My second thought was I can’t believe he is giving away everything he has ever created and everything he will ever create for a ONE TIME fee of $1,000.

You get $6,000 worth of courses and online platforms for $1,500 and that first number will continue to increase because he continues to release awesome platforms and courses. Yes, you should buy it because of what it comes with, but here is the real reason you should buy his future

The Relationships

When you buy, you get in a Slack channel with everyone else who bought it. THAT IS THE VALUE. Since joining, I’ve become friends with some pretty awesome people like Alex Harvey, Nathan Anderson, Andrew Love, and a few more really awesome and impressive people.


Buy Jason’s Future


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