I love telling stories; below is a story of how I met a friend named Otto at 10 p.m. in New York City.
I arrived in NYC the night before a Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, and Dave Ramsey event. Sitting in my hotel room, as I looked out into the city, I decided I would explore the city and grab a bite to eat. As I scrolled through Yelp, looking at hundreds of places to eat, I came across a burger place that looked great, so I headed there immediately.
Fifteen minutes later I arrived at the burger place and took a seat at the bar; minutes after that, I was kicked out of the bar seating because I had to be 21 just to sit there. I was moved to a small table near the back, not a lot of people around me except a dude to my right with a giant bandage on his face.
Thirty-five minutes into my dinner I gently set down my glass of water after taking a drink, and it shattered into hundreds of pieces, almost like a bomb was inside of it (it was and still is incredibly strange). My glass exploding caught the attention of the man next to me with the large bandage on his face, hours of conversation later, I walked away with a friend; that friend? Otto Specht.
I write all of this to say one thing: God is leading interesting people into your life every single day, you just have to engage yourself with them. Start conversations, listen to stories, let your love overflow into their live’s. It’s that simple! If you are questioning why you should engage with the people around you, the answer is you were created for community, not isolation.